On Our Harbor Trip to the Gowanus Canal
On our Harbor Trip to the Gowanus Canal we had to take the L trian to Lorimer and transfer to the G train and take it South to Caroll St. Then walked about 5-3 blocks down 2nd St through a very pretty neighborhood. Once we got there we saw one of the workers of the Urban Divers Estuary Conservancy whose name is Ludger. He was standing there with the row boat (also known as John boats) that we all would go on. The first thing we had to do was stand in a circle and listen to the information that Lugder gave us about the Gowanus Canal and the issues affecting it Canal. When he finished we all sat down and had lunch. Then we all got ready to go on the boats by putting on PFDs (personal floatation devices), but first Ludger had to explian safety lessons for the boat. He explained wat to do and what not to do when we get into the boats. Then Ann annoced which groups we would be on the boats and which groups would stay on land while we were puting on our life jakects.when we were on the boat and on land we finished up the labs and did water quality testing. at the end of the day we wrote in our lab jornals then went home.

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